Founded by Donald & Virginia Sherwood
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Learning 2024 ORIGINAL

Winter Workshop 2024

The Science and Practice of Inclusion

with Community Resilience Initiative

January 18, 2024 from 9 am - 4 pm

Participants in the The Science and Practice of Inclusion will learn:

   -the neuro-biological process underpinning inclusion
    -the link between neuro-biological responses and discriminatory behavior
    -the application of accountability through an equity lens
    -the benefits of teaching others about their own trauma and stress response

Who should attend this workshop?

This is a community-wide call to action. Anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of inclusion, its purpose, impact, and practical application to enable them to apply this within a small collective. This can include employees, congregants, educators, classroom assistants, social care professionals, social workers, clinicians, doctors, nurses and healthcare workers, librarians and third sector professionals of all backgrounds, amongst many others.

Want to participate in a community of practice?

Sign up for the five-part in-depth class each Thursday in February. A small group class paired with one on one coaching is available to community members on a first come, first serve basis. This five-part class will be a continued guide and support as you practice of inclusion. Learn more and sign-up here.

Rick Griffin, Executive Director

Rick (he/him) is the Executive Director for CRI. With more than twenty
years of experience in non-profit administration, Rick has first-hand
experience with building organizations that use a trauma-informed
approach in both internal operations and service delivery. Under Rick’s
guidance, CRI has become a leading voice in the field of trauma and
resilience. His dedication to resilience, and his commitment to creating
a citizenry conversant in the science of trauma, are an inspiration to
all who know him.

Becky Turner, Director of Community Engagement

Becky Turner (she/her) joined the CRI team as Director of Community
Engagement in September 2022. A homegrown Walla Walla Valley resident,
Becky has worked as a public school teacher and in the local nonprofit
sphere. A former executive director of a reentry-based nonprofit, she
and her team provided human services to people after incarceration.
Becky is also an active volunteer in the community of Walla Walla, and a
member of the local Reach Out coalition to prevent suicide. Eager to
put her first-hand knowledge of the community to good use, Becky looks
forward to bringing CRI’s trauma-informed and resilience-focused
training to all sectors of the Walla Walla Valley. When she’s not
working on making connections in the community, Becky enjoys gardening
and having weekly Sunday dinners with her extended family, where she is
the assigned dessert maker.